Janine Burrows

Janine Burrows is a painter and illustrator with over 30 years experience in various creative roles. Originally from a surface pattern / printed textiles background, Janine combined all her skills into freelance designing for greetings, stationery, home wares and children’s apparel until March 2020 when the world turned upside down.

The arrival of the pandemic was a challenging and cathartic time. Janine saw this as opportunity to realise her ambition of painting full time. The introduction of the Artist Support Pledge gave Janine the focus she needed and a way to support other creatives in similar situations.

Bold and often unusual colour combinations along with expressive mark making are signature to Janine’s style along with texture and delicate, often naive details. Captivated by the wonder of the great outdoors or still lifes of treasured pieces, its the quality of peace and joy that Janine reflects in her work.

Using mixed media to create these textural pieces, Janine mainly paints on canvas and wood board but enjoys the exploration of new substrates and surfaces to work on. Gouache, acrylic, pencil, oil pastel, even household paint make their uses in her exploration. Using photographs and sketches from gathered experiences, Janine’s process is to recreate the essence of these scenes back in her studio, free to investigate those memories and captured happy moments.