Christmas Playroom

After the success of Playroom this summer, we are reopening on the top floor of the 1912 Mill with a festive twist!

Open 10am - 4pm on Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th November

Suggested donation on the door of £2 per person or £5 per family of 4 (all activities included). No pre-booking required

Storytelling and sensory play with Liv

Join us in the Enchanted Forest for sensory play activities, and adventure into your imagination with local storyteller Liv. You may have seen Liv in the Gallery as part of our Spinning Tales event with Leeds 2023. She runs interactive workshops and storytelling sessions that make you and your child a part of the story!

Suitable for all ages, children must be always accompanied by an adult.


Print your own Christmas cards and paper

Design and print your own Christmas cards and wrapping paper using the super simple safecut lino technique. This activity is suitable for ages 2+. Adults are strongly encouraged to get involved too!

Additional donations would be welcomed if you’d like to print multiple cards.