Louise Baldwin

Remember When

By piecing together materials from the past (parts of an old drawer, a wooden peg, a decorative flower motif), Louise makes work that evokes the sense of a life that is pulled together through its parts, patched and pieced in the hope that it will hold.  Not exactly tailored for the job but made to fit.

Elements are held together using simple evident stitches, tacked, patchworked and beaded to mark out areas that suggest a past use, a faded cloth with marks of wear, a repaired piece of furniture.

The materials in these pieces have all accumulated in Louise’s studio over the years.

The flower motif is from a section of an old French tapestry cartoon bought many years ago and this alongside hinges, carpet tacks and an old book cover reference back to the sense of a history and attachment we have to certain objects and the weight of memory that objects can contain. Parts of our lives are squeezed in, fixed, altered and pushed into shape to form something that belongs and feels right.